Saturday, April 15, 2017

I'm So Bored

I hate it when people say, "I'm so bored".  Life is too short to be bored and there are too many interesting things to do and too many people to meet.

Some people say they are bored when they are working, or when they are at home. 

If your job is boring, try learning a new skill that you can apply or, look for a new job where you can learn new skills and meet new people.

If you are bored when you are at home, try taking up a hobby, pick up a book and start reading, sign up for a class on something you have always wanted to know more about. 

Help someone who is less fortunate than you.  You won't be thinking about being bored anymore.

There is a constant supply of things in this world that one can always be learning about or doing.

Take an art class, exercise class, cooking class, gardening, knitting, sewing....

Join a genealogy group, historical society, lineage society....

Join a reading group, writers group....

Don't be bored while you are alive!  There will be enough time to be bored after you are dead, then you will be stiff as a board. 

Until next time, always thinking Hella Hellish Thoughts.

I'm So Bored

I hate it when people say, "I'm so bored".  Life is too short to be bored and there are too many interesting things to do and ...